


Schauberger-research at Waterconference

At Jerry Pollack's Water Conference in Lisboa, Oct. 16th to 19th, there will be a focus on "Hyperbolic Vortices and Other Schauberger Technologies", presented by Jörg Schauberger on Thursday, October 17th at 9 a.m. Conference and Lodging Location: TIVOLI ORIENTE LISBOA HOTEL Av. D. João II, n.º 27 Parque das Nações 1990-083 Lisboa, Portugal Further information:

Exhibition “Water Cosmos” and Schauberger-Prototypes

See unique Evapo-Water-Images, photographs of dry water drops by Georg Schroecker, presented in the exhibition “Water Cosmos” by Markus Jeschaunig, a project of the “European Capital of Culture 2024” Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut. Also: “The fascinating World of Water and Vortex” – Original Prototypes and experiments from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. The PKS-doors will be open on Saturday, Oct. 5th, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Photo: (c) Ingrid Schauberger

Exhibition “Water Cosmos” and Open Doors at PKS

See unique Evapo-Water-Images, photographs of dry water drops in the exhibition “Water Cosmos” by Markus Jeschaunig, a project of the “European Capital of Culture 2024” Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut. Also: “The fascinating World of Water and Vortex” – Original prototypes and experiments from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. The PKS-doors will be open on Tuesday Sep. 17th, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Photo: (c) Ingrid Schauberger

Open Doors Aug., 31st

Exhibition “Water Cosmos” by Markus Jeschaunig: Evapo-Water-Images, a project of the “European Capital of Culture 2024” Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut “The fascinating World of Water and Vortex” – Original prototypes and experiments from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. The PKS-doors will be open on Tuesday Aug. 27th, and Saturday, Aug. 31st . Photo: (c) Ingrid Schauberger

Opening Hours, End of August 2024

Exhibition “Water Cosmos” by Markus Jeschaunig: Evapo-Water-Images, a project of the “European Capital of Culture 2024” Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut “The fascinating World of Water and Vortex” – Original prototypes and experiments from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. The PKS-doors will be open on Tuesday Aug. 27th, and Saturday, Aug. 31st . Photo: (c) Ingrid Schauberger

Special Guided Tour, PKS

Exhibition “Water Cosmos” by Markus Jeschaunig: Evapo-Water-Images, a project of the “European Capital of Culture 2024” Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut “The fascinating World of Water and Vortex” – Original prototypes and experiments from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger.  

PKS Public Day – Exhibition “water cosmos”, Sunday, Aug. 4th 2024

  Exhibition "Water Cosmos" by Markus Jeschaunig: Evapo-Water-Images, a project of the "European Capital of Culture 2024" Bad Ischl - Salzkammergut "The fascinating World of Water and Vortex" - Original prototypes and experiments from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. (last guided tour starts at 4 p.m.) Entrance (incl. guided tour German/English): € 7.- / Salzkammergut Card € 5.- (c) Ingrid Schauberger

PKS- Public Day

    Exhibition "Water Cosmos" by Markus Jeschaunig: Evapo-Water-Images, a project of the "European Capital of Culture 2024" Bad Ischl - Salzkammergut "The fascinating World of Water and Vortex" - Original prototypes and experiments from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. (last guided tour starts at 4 p.m.) Entrance (incl. guided tour german/english): € 7.- / Salzkammergut Card € 5.- (c) Ingrid Schauberger    

Open Water Dialogues

"Impetus and Open Dialogues on the Future of our Water" The "Open Water Dialogues" are a climate conference as part of the "European Capital of Culture 2024 Bad Ischl - Salzkammergut". Focus: WATER. Organizing team: Ingrid & Jörg Schauberger with Fariba Mosleh and Christina Jaritsch Program Overview OWD-(EN)   Program as listed on the Webpage of the "European Capital of Culture 2024":   Tickets: Shuttle Service OWD   Please note: The findings of Viktor and Walter Schauberger will be discussed in this water- and climate-conference, espially their contributions to water research and modern river engineering. Topics from the history of machinery, such as propulsion units like the Repulsine, are covered only partly. Same as areas such as harmonic research, which Walter Schauberger summarized in the term "PKS - Pythagoras Kepler System". If you are interested in technical implementations according to Viktor and Walter Schauberger, future-oriented energy sources, harmonics, etc., please be patient. Appropriate events are being planned for the warmer months of 2024. The dates will be announced as soon as possible.    

Public Day

The fascinating world of water and vortex

Public Day at the PKS

11 a.m. - 17 p.m., guided tour included

Lange Nacht der PKS / An Evening at PKS

Lange Nacht der PKS_2022 Sat., Oct. 1st, 2022, 5 - 10 p-m. The fascinating world of water and vortex - Exhibition of original prototypes from the laboratories of the water-researchers Viktor and Walter Schauberger. Guided tour by Jörg Schauberger. Villa Rothstein (PKS), Engleitenstr. 17, 4820 Bad Ischl, AUSTRIA 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Entrance-fee: EUR 7,-- (young people: free admition), holders of "SalzkammergutCard": EUR 5,-- No reservation needed

ICOST 2022

International Conference on Schauberger Technology August 4th - 6th, 2022, PKS - Villa, Bad Ischl, AUSTRIA Speakers Klaus Rauber and Anton Sàlat: 25 years of investigation – The German Association for Implosion Research (Verein für Implosionsforschung und Anwendung, e.V.), represented by the chairmen Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Klaus Rauber and Dr. med. Anton Sàlat, give insights in their way how to produce proof of Viktor and Walter Schauberger’s theories and patents. Josef Auernig: Flow Rate and Oxygen Transfer Rate in the Hyperbolic Funnel Curt Hallberg (IET Sweden): The Principle – about the different ways how Viktor and Walter Schauberger formulated their findings. Related to a Viktor-Schauberger-quote: "I’m neither an engineer nor a scientist, all I understand is the principle.” Franz Fitzke (film maker, Germany): Instream River Training - a new way of presenting Viktor Schauberger's ideas of river engineering Jörg Schauberger (PKS): 100 years ahead – Jörg's grandfather Viktor Schauberger stated that his thinking was 100 years ahead of his time. Well, the first startling and astonishing inventions and their realisations (e. g. his revolutionary log-flumes) date back to the early 1920ies. Are we at the dawn of a new century? Jan van Toor (NL) – Sogwendel (Suction Turbine, Whorlpipe)) Some more details about the speakers and their topics: see below! More speakers and details are going to be published soon and may be subject to modifications. Please refer your questions to:   Schedule of ICOST (update version Mid-June 2022) Thursday, Aug. 4th, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Get-together and registration in the PKS-Villa for those who are already in Bad Ischl From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.: Opportunity for talks and a light dinner at PKS Friday, Aug. 5th, 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. Registration in the PKS-Villa for those who will arrive on Friday Friday and Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lectures, guided tour to see original prototypes of Schauberger-models (e. g. the Repulsine or the Home-Power-Generator of Viktor), talks and discussions – Lunchbreak Evenings: Open End for individual talks at the Villa or down-town (on Friday evening there will be stages with different music-groups in the city of Bad Ischl – if the weather allows Open Air concerts) Sunday, Aug. 7th, 11. a.m. to 5 p.m. Open Doors at PKS – The Schauberger-show-rooms will be open for the public. Additional chance to talk with guests and with those ICOST-participants and lecturers, who are still at the venue. Admission free for ICOST-participants.   THE SPEAKERS AND THEIR TOPICS Klaus Rauber: Viktor Schauberger's Water Turbines A hitherto neglected field of research are Schauberger's ideas on water turbines. In many design sketches he presented considerations concerning more efficient ways of energy generation. In Viktor’s focus stood the qualitative upgrading of the water. What is striking here is the application of several active principles. After a shovel-like inlet using weight forces, the water is led centripetally and afterwards turned into a centrifugal motion. In many of his writings Schauberger refers to the well-known Segner water wheel. This presentation is limited to the technical-constructional aspects of water turbines designed by Viktor Schauberger. The general character of the designs will be presented as well as the different phases of operation. Special attention is paid to the centrifugal part, especially since latest investigations and developments point to a yet unused potential. Dr. Anton Sàlat: The nature-correct movement - A path of knowledge from machine design to the connection with nature Based on several workshops, held at the WALA company for pharmaceutical products, ways to understand and optimize Dr. Köller's stirring/mixing machine were taken. This apparatus has been used for a long time to produce mistletoe preparations. In Dr. Sàlat’s presentation a path of knowledge will be shown which can serve as a pointer to the seeker in his search to grasp the concept of "nature-correct movement". Josef Auernig: Flow Rate and Oxygen Transfer Rate in the Hyperbolic Funnel Josef Auernig, born in Tamsweg (Salzburg), studied mechanical engineering in Vienna, PhD thesis: "Optimization of Overhead Cranes ...". 25 years in management positions in leading companies in the manufacturing industry. Consulting engineer for 10 years: supporting companies in improving production processes and production organization and in solving challenging engineering tasks. Recently "back to the roots" in the direction of science and start working on some Schauberger topics. In the case of the hyperbolic funnel, "I am currently looking in particular at the interaction between flow and oxygen uptake". Curt Hallberg: The Principle Member of IET Sweden - about the different ways how Viktor and Walter Schauberger formulated their findings. Hallberg refers to a Viktor-Schauberger-quote: "I’m neither an engineer nor a scientist, all I understand is the principle.” Jan van Toor: The Whorlpipe and results of a research project More than 2 years ago whorlpipes in various sizes have been designed and 3-D printed by Jan van Toor. Their designs are based on Original texts and drawings of Viktor Schauberger, Magazins of the Verein für Implosionsforschung und Anwendungen e.V. Open literature With the support of Klaus Rauber initial tests have been performed at the site of the Verein’s research shop in Zell am Harmersbach. The results were promising and have been shown already in the Implosion-Magazin No. 185. After discussions with NHL Stenden, WAC and WETSUS, it has been decided to apply for a research budget to investigate the whorlpipe in more depth with respect to its main characteristics and design drivers as well as its effects on water. The funding was released by the NWO (Nationaal Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) in the Netherlands and the research project has been executed between May 2021 and June 2022. The presentation gives a short overview over the 2020-er tests and an insight in the research project and results. Jan van Toor (67) lives since 2022 in the Netherlands and has a M.Sc. in aeronautics (Technical University Delft). He has been a chief engineer in aircraft design at Airbus. In the last phase of his professional life, he headed a network dealing with future concepts and long-term scenarios. After his retirement he set up a small company VanToorSystems, with the focus on designing sustainable systems, i.e.  wind and water systems.

Public Day

'The fascinating World of Water and Vortex' Guided tours between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Registration is not required.

River Walk & Talk 2020

Guided walk along one of the beautiful riverbanks of the Salzkammergut. Observation and explanation of Viktor’s principles as well as talks and discussion. Languages: german/english For more details and inscription:  

ICOST 2020

Due to international travel restrictions ICOST 2020 is postponed to 2021! Our "International Conference on Schauberger Technology" is going to be held in August 2021. info and registration:  

Public Day

'The fascinating World of Water and Vortex' Guided tours between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Registration is not required.

Public Day

'The fascinating World of Water and Vortex' Guided tours between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Registration is not required.

Public Day

Cancelled because of Covid 19 restrictions! Sorry! Next public day:  Sunday, July 5th, 2020

Public Day

Cancelled because of Covid 19 restrictions! Next public day:  Sunday, July 5th, 2020

Global BEM Conference 2019

Global Breakthrough Energy Conference 2019 International Conference “Global Breakthrough Energy”, Nov. 9th and 10th in Breukelen, NL Jörg Schauberger will speak at this conference, organized by GlobalBEM, about:  Life and Work of Viktor Schauberger – Observations in Nature – The Power of Water and Vortex – Viktor Schauberger’s predictions and his solutions to problems we are facing today – Viktor’s son Walter and a new ways in Physics to describe these solutions – Nowadays’ research in Applied Water Physics (e.g. at Wetsus, Leeuwarden). Jörg Schauberger is author and editor of several books and video documentations about his grandfather Viktor Schauberger, speaker at international congresses, head of PKS (Pythagoras Kepler System, an NPO in Austria referring to the works of Viktor and Walter Schauberger). For more than two decades he together with his wife Ingrid organizes international seminars in Bad Ischl, Austria, dealing with new ways of river engineering, futuristic energy- and propulsion-systems as well as alternative ways in agriculture and forestry. For details:

Public Day – September 2019

"Discover the fascinating world of vortex and water" guided tour (approx. 90 min.) languages: german/english The PKS-Villa Rothstein houses a unique collection of scientific prototypes and models from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. Both scientists served as pioneers of modern water research. In the 1970ies the physicist and mathematician Walter Schauberger founded the PKS seminar center in the Villa Rothstein, 4 km south of Bad Ischl. From April to October the Schauberger family organizes seminars and guided tours where participants can experience the fantastic world of water and vortex.

IWONE 2019

IWONE 2019 (Conference) including topics based on Viktor and Walter Schauberger The 9th International Workshop on Natural Energies (IWONE) is a workshop covering non-traditional ways to affect water flow, water quality, plants, weather and eco-systems, as well as non-traditional alternative energy sources. Historically the workshop has had a focus on ideas related to Viktor Schauberger. Speakers come from Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, UK, Australia, South Africa Russia etc. The workshop is organized every other year by Institute of Ecological Technology (IET) – a non-profit foundation and distributed self-organizing research institute, situated in Sweden.   This year’s IWONE conference is an opportunity to present and discuss unconventional research in an open and relaxed atmosphere. It’s scheduled from Friday, August 9th until Sunday, August 11th, 2019, at Höör (50 km northeast of Malmö), Sweden. Read more -->  

Public Day – August 2019

"Discover the fascinating world of vortex and water" guided tour (approx. 90 min.) languages: german/english The PKS-Villa Rothstein houses a unique collection of scientific prototypes and models from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. Both scientists served as pioneers of modern water research. In the 1970ies the physicist and mathematician Walter Schauberger founded the PKS seminar center in the Villa Rothstein, 4 km south of Bad Ischl. From April to October the Schauberger family organizes seminars and guided tours where participants can experience the fantastic world of water and vortex.

River Walk & Talk – Flusswanderung

Guided walk along one of the beautiful riverbanks of the Salzkammergut. Observation and explanation of Viktor's principles as well as talks and discussion. Languages: german/english For more details and inscription:  

Instream River Training

Workshop with Otmar Grober - german language (english explanations) see also: //

Public Day – July 2019

"Discover the fascinating world of vortex and water" guided tour (approx. 90 min.) languages: german/english The PKS-Villa Rothstein houses a unique collection of scientific prototypes and models from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. Both scientists served as pioneers of modern water research. In the 1970ies the physicist and mathematician Walter Schauberger founded the PKS seminar center in the Villa Rothstein, 4 km south of Bad Ischl. From April to October the Schauberger family organizes seminars and guided tours where participants can experience the fantastic world of water and vortex.

Public Day – June 2019

"Discover the fascinating world of vortex and water" guided tour (approx. 90 min.) languages: german/english The PKS-Villa Rothstein houses a unique collection of scientific prototypes and models from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. Both scientists served as pioneers of modern water research. In the 1970ies the physicist and mathematician Walter Schauberger founded the PKS seminar center in the Villa Rothstein, 4 km south of Bad Ischl. From April to October the Schauberger family organizes seminars and guided tours where participants can experience the fantastic world of water and vortex.

Public Day – May 2019

"Discover the fascinating world of vortex and water" guided tour (approx. 90 min.), languages: German, English The PKS-Villa Rothstein houses a unique collection of scientific prototypes and models from the laboratories of Viktor and Walter Schauberger. Both scientists served as pioneers of modern water research. In the 1970ies the physicist and mathematician Walter Schauberger founded the PKS seminar center in the Villa Rothstein, 4 km south of Bad Ischl. From April to October the Schauberger family organizes seminars and guided tours where participants can experience the fantastic world of water and vortex.

Sing and Swing in Spring 2019

Season opening concert with "Swing on Strings" from the famous "Ausseer Bradlmusi" combo and "Global-Vocal", the popular men's choir from Bad Ischl. A fine selection of Classics, Gospels, Barber-Shop-songs, Folk music and Jodler from our "local heros". SOLD OUT!  

Marina & The Kats

Racy gypsy guitars, nimble melodies, airy snare drums and Marina‘s uniquely charming voice conflate into a nostalgic cocktail - ready to be enjoyed not only at breakfast but also in the evenings at the dance café, bringing immediate smiles to everyone. The world’s smallest Big Band played their first show in February 2015 and has been touring ever since. So far they have been to The United States, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Rumania, Hungary, Slovakia, France and Austria.

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