
PKS = Pythagoras Kepler System
Society for Promotion of Natural Technology

PKS is a registered non-profit organisation.
Its purpose is to promote natural technology according to principles discovered and developed by Viktor and Walter Schauberger:


Historically, the society considers itself the successor of the “Green Front”, which was the first environmental movement in Austria founded in 1949 by Walter Schauberger and the “Biotechnological Academy” which he also founded together with Aloys Kokaly one decade later. It propagated an integral ecological and economical position in the 1960’s through its environmental research.

At this time, Walter Schauberger, a graduate engineer, was deeply involved in researching and teaching his father’s discoveries, discoveries which were based on insightful and accurate observations of nature. Viktor Schauberger (1885 – 1958), a forest warden, natural scientist and inventor, had made many related discoveries in various fields in the 30’s and 40’s including forestry, agriculture, hydraulic engineering, water refining and Free Energy – about which he left a comprehensive collection of work. Viktor warned as early as the 1920s about an impending environmental crisis. Back then, he was not taken seriously and was even ridiculed. Nowadays, of course his predictions are becoming a reality and are taken very seriously.

His son, Walter, brought his father’s perceptions and theories into accord with the harmonic theories of Pythagoras and Johannes Kepler. In reverence to these great scientists, Walter Schauberger named his institute PYTHAGORAS KEPLER SCHOOL (PKS) and embraced their formulated research into the term:


For decades, the Villa Rothstein near Bad Ischl in the Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria has been the headquarters of the PKS and all the continuing research (how to find us: look at the PKS-Position Plan).

Committed to upholding Viktor Schauberger’s ideas and principles and Walter Schauberger’s mathematical research, PKS endeavours to co-ordinate and promote various projects in the fields of hydraulic and river engineering, agriculture and forestry as well as sustainable energy (see practical uses and research).

Donations for these activites are welcome.
You may also contribute to the whole project by joining the PKS as a supporting member (see support).