

Water aeration in Schauberger funnels: Astonishing scientific results

  • News, forwarded by Wetsus, Leeuwarden
  • 15 March 2022

Nature-inspired reverse hurricane: water aeration quicker and cheaper

Researchers from the theme Applied water physics have discovered an efficient and cost-effective method of dissolving oxygen into water. An astonishing method that is five times more rapid and a lot cheaper than the conventional bubble-blowing aerations. By using a nature-inspired vortex, or whirlpool, the scientist could show the unthinkable and for decades unprovable. The patented method was published last week in the journal Water.

“An outstanding idea, three generations old, has finally been proven against even our own believes – the way nature dissolves air into water is more efficient and cheaper than what humans have been able to do in all of history,” explains corresponding author Elmar C. Fuchs, “oxygen in water is an essential element for producing drinking water and cleaning up wastewater.

Vortexing works by sending water around in a hyperbolic funnel shape – creating a suction effect through the middle of the whirl. This way, air is pulled into the water – like a reverse hurricane. The oxygen transfer rate in this setup is very much unlike those in the commercial bubbling method: we have consistently recorded a fivefold increase, but have seen much higher.”

Moreover, swirling the water through a funnel turns out to be cheaper. Fuchs: “Nobody believed us at first. It is the perfect scenario, cheaper and faster. Hyperbolic vortexing requires about 40 times less energy per kilogram of dissolved oxygen compared to other methods. With the correct flow regime in a hyperbolic funnel, the only energy required for this system is used for pumping the water up and into the system. Which is less intensive than otherwise required machinery and consist of fewer moving parts. It is that simple.”

But it was never proven before. “The idea has been around for a few decades, originating from the Schauberger family in Austria,” Fuchs tells, “three generations long the Schaubergers have been drawing inspiration from nature to develop technological advancements. Because they believe that the way nature does it, is the best way.” Now with the Wetsus physicists around, it was finally proven.

As of now, the technology is said to work great for making drinking water, as it is well able to oxidize the iron from the groundwater. A major milestone. Further advancements to aerate wastewater are on their way.

Read more:

Agostinho, Luewton, Rene Pecnik, Jakob Woisetschläger, Esther de Kroon, Nicolae Şişcanu, Maarten van de Griend, Willibald Loiskandl, en Elmar Fuchs. “Enhanced Oxygen Volumetric Mass Transfer in a Geometrically Constrained Vortex”. Water 14, no 5 (01 Maart 2022): 771.

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Schauberger Original® Funnel

Design inspired by nature

The vortex is a fundamental form of movement in nature. It can be found in flowing water and in whirlwinds, in plant shapes, animal horns, and galaxies. Forester and naturalist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) recognized this in his early years and therefore followed his lifelong motto: “Comprehend and copy nature”. His son, Master Engineer Walter Schauberger, was able to create a model that helps to explain these processes in nature in a vivid way. With the help of his mathematical calculations, he discovered harmonic laws. He was inspired by Pythagoras and Johannes Kepler, who were convinced that our universe follows harmonious principles. One of the implementations of this model was the development of the hyperbolic cone by Walter Schauberger, together with Engineer Maximilian Mack, in around 1970, which was later used in practice as the Hyperbolic Schauberger Funnel.

In the meantime, university research has also been dedicated to the scientific investigation of this funnel. There is much to still discover. Current studies relate to oxygen uptake, flow velocity, pH value, etc.

Such Hyperbolic Schauberger Funnels are now available for personal use:

The SCHAUBERGER ORIGINAL® Funnel is a real eye-catcher and made of high-quality materials: hand-blown glass, solid wood, and copper – exquisite handcrafts from Austria. This makes it possible to swirl water as it is found in natural flowing waters. The spiral movement from outside to inside is quintessential. The beautiful air vortex that becomes visible in the middle leads to an increased surface area of the drinking water, which, among other things, results in increased oxygen uptake. This funnel is a durable and sustainable designer piece “Made in Austria”, inspired by nature.

Perfect for aerating water and other liquids (juice, vinegar, wine etc.)

for information and ordering please contact:

New scientific results (15th March 2022):

Master’s Thesis: Vortices in Hyperbolic Funnels as Aeration Systems | TU Delft Repositories

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Walter Schauberger’s Hyperbolic Funnel: promising water treatment device

“Vortices in Hyperbolic Funnels as Aeration Systems”

Master Thesis at TU Delft shows: higher gas transfer rates in comparison to the conventional aeration systems

  • The author of the Master Thesis, Teja Donepudi, writes in his introduction:

“As opposed to other water treatment methods that use chemicals, aeration is an eco-friendly
method. In addition to being an essential step in wastewater treatment, it is also one of the
most energy-intensive processes consuming 15% to 90% of total electricity, and up to
40% of the operating budget. This has lead to a need to make aeration processes more
sustainable and economical. With their high gas transfer rates and low energy consumption,
vortices generated in hyperbolic funnels might be a promising alternative to the conventional
aeration systems presently in use.”

This numerical study is based on experiments, conducted with groundwater on pilot test facilities of hyperbolic funnels at the Water Application Center (WAC) in “Wetsus, European Centre of Excellence for
Sustainable Water Technology”, situated in Leeuwarden (NL), in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien), Technical University Graz and other research centers.

Download of the Master Thesis, published in Aug., 2021, via: Vortices in Hyperbolic Funnels as Aeration Systems | TU Delft Repositories

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Official Viktor Schauberger Video on YouTube

The first film about Viktor Schauberger’s life’s work was published some years ago on DVD.
A comprehensive survey of historical facts, current research and various practical applications into both technology and the natural world.

As several unauthorized copies of poor quality appeared on the internet, the producer (J. Schauberger Verlag) and the director of the Film, Franz Fitzke, decided to publish the original documentation on YouTube via wocomoDOCS.

See the English version:

or the German version:

English with Subtitles for the Chinese market

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