
Open Water Dialogues

Mar 22 - 24 Mar, 2024; 17:00
Sudhaus and PKS-Villa, Bad Ischl

Impetus and Open Dialogues on the Future of our Water”

The “Open Water Dialogues” are a climate conference as part of the “European Capital of Culture 2024 Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut”. Focus: WATER.

Organizing team: Ingrid & Jörg Schauberger with Fariba Mosleh and Christina Jaritsch

Program Overview OWD-(EN)


Program as listed on the Webpage of the “European Capital of Culture 2024”:

Open Water Dialogues



Shuttle Service OWD


Please note: The findings of Viktor and Walter Schauberger will be discussed in this water- and climate-conference, espially their contributions to water research and modern river engineering.
Topics from the history of machinery, such as propulsion units like the Repulsine, are covered only partly. Same as areas such as harmonic research, which Walter Schauberger summarized in the term “PKS – Pythagoras Kepler System”.

If you are interested in technical implementations according to Viktor and Walter Schauberger, future-oriented energy sources, harmonics, etc., please be patient. Appropriate events are being planned for the warmer months of 2024. The dates will be announced as soon as possible.