“Vortices in Hyperbolic Funnels as Aeration Systems”
Master Thesis at TU Delft shows: higher gas transfer rates in comparison to the conventional aeration systems
- The author of the Master Thesis, Teja Donepudi, writes in his introduction:
“As opposed to other water treatment methods that use chemicals, aeration is an eco-friendly
method. In addition to being an essential step in wastewater treatment, it is also one of the
most energy-intensive processes consuming 15% to 90% of total electricity, and up to
40% of the operating budget. This has lead to a need to make aeration processes more
sustainable and economical. With their high gas transfer rates and low energy consumption,
vortices generated in hyperbolic funnels might be a promising alternative to the conventional
aeration systems presently in use.”
This numerical study is based on experiments, conducted with groundwater on pilot test facilities of hyperbolic funnels at the Water Application Center (WAC) in “Wetsus, European Centre of Excellence for
Sustainable Water Technology”, situated in Leeuwarden (NL), in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien), Technical University Graz and other research centers.
Download of the Master Thesis, published in Aug., 2021, via: Vortices in Hyperbolic Funnels as Aeration Systems | TU Delft Repositories